Selenium and its history
Selenium is a browser automation tool, commonly used for writing end-to-end tests of web applications. A browser automation tool does exactly what you would expect: automate the control of a browser so that repetitive tasks can be automated. It sounds like a simple problem to solve, but as we will see, a lot has to happen behind the scenes to make it work. At a very high level, Selenium is a set of different software tools each with a different approach to supporting test automation. They are, > Selenium IDE > Selenium Grid > Selenium WebDriver aka Selenium2 History of Selenium Jason Huggins started the Selenium project in 2004 while working at ThoughtWorks on their in-house Time and Expenses (T&E) system, which has extensive use of Javascript. Fortunately, all the browsers being tested supported Javascript. Inspired by work being done on FIT, a table-based syntax was placed over the raw Javascript and this allowed tests to be written by people with limi...