
Showing posts with the label Bamboo

Selenium script execution into Continuous Integration Process

                 Most of the people end up saying of integrating the Selenium Test suite with any one of the Continuous Integration server (Jenkins, Bamboo,..etc) to trigger the execution after build deployment. The suite may be Sanity, Smoke or Regression Test suite. But here challenging part is the CI tools mostly run on Linux box and we may not have expected browser installed in it. I have listed some solutions for CI, 1) Change the Selenium test suite browser configuration and execute it using HtmlUnitdriver or PhantomJSDriver ( Headless execution)        The importance of having “headless” tests is:     a) The majority of Linux server and Windows Core Servers deployments doesn’t have GUI at all     b) To avoid opening the browser in the foreground during the build agent is being used for desktop applications testing which require focus  Execute the Automation Test suite using Htm...