Selenium IDE test suite execution on all browsers

Whenever, we start working with Selenium IDE. Everyone says,

                 “The Selenium IDE is the plugin of Firefox and we can easily record & play back but it is restricted to that specific browser - Firefox”

So, do you want to believe like that? What if, there is an option to leverage our Selenium IDE test suite and execute on different browsers.
Yes, we have an option to execute our Selenium IDE suite on IE, Google chrome, safari browsers. 

Let’s see the steps,
a) Create a test suite in Selenium IDE and name it as “sample.html”
b) Download latest selenium standalone jar file
c) Set the browser executable file in the environment variable. If you like to execute the script on Google chrome browser then create the environment variable as "" in the system and store the path of the chrome driver executable file
d) Please create batch/shell script file to execute the below command

java -jar .\selenium-server-standalone-x.xx.jar -htmlSuite "*googlechrome" "<baseUrl>" "<Suite name – sample.html>" "<logfilepath>" -timeout 10


Other Browser parameters -  *firefox and *iexplore

3rd parameter of HtmlSuite is absolute path of the Selenium test suite file and 4th is absolute path of the results log html file


Time limit in seconds for the script to run.  Default is 1800 seconds (~30 minutes).  If the timeout is reached selenium-server terminates with the error HTML suite exception seen: org.openqa.selenium.server.SeleniumCommandTimedOutException