Integration of Selenium RC with Jenkins
Hi followers,
Thanks for the great support
and it make me more enthusiastic to post more stuffs related to Selenium. In
this post we will see how to integrate Selenium Scripts with Jenkins.
First we will look what is Jenkins, why we
need that and what is the benefit we are going to achieve because of Selenium
Jenkins is an open source continuous
integration tool written in Java. Jenkins provides continuous integration
services for software development. It is a server-based system running in a
servlet container such as Apache Tomcat. It supports SCM tools including CVS,
Subversion, Git, Mercurial, Perforce and Clearcase, and can execute Apache Ant
and Apache Maven based projects as well as arbitrary shell scripts and Windows
batch commands. Builds can be started by various means, including being
triggered by commit in a version control system, scheduling via a cron-like
mechanism, building when other builds have completed, and by requesting a
specific build URL.
So that, whenever new build is deployed
using Jenkins we don’t want to run the scripts for verifying the
functionalities are working fine after some time. We can configure the selenium
to run after the build deployment. It provides the End to end test and reduces
the Manual intervention.
Getting Started with Selenium:
1) Create your selenium framework
either Junit or TestNG. By using our selenium with Junit or TestNG we will get
a neat report which is autogenerated one.
Here I am using
Sample Test program with Junit,
public class ScenarioOne{
* @param args
public static SeleniumServer server=null;
static DefaultSelenium selenium=null;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
//How to start your Selenium server
since we are going to run the program in Jenkin Server
startSeleniumServer(server); //for
you reference I have added the script within the class
selenium = new
DefaultSelenium("localhost", 4444, "*firefox", baseUrl);
public void testFuctionOne() throws Exception {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
//Action which you would like to
perform in the application
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
selenium);//for you reference I have added the script within the class
public static void startSeleniumServer(SeleniumServer
server) throws Exception {
try {
ServerSocket serverSocket = new ServerSocket(RemoteControlConfiguration.DEFAULT_PORT);
//Server not up,
start it
try {
RemoteControlConfiguration rcc = new
server = new SeleniumServer(false, rcc);
} catch (Exception e)
not create Selenium Server because of: "
try {
} catch (Exception e)
not start Selenium Server because of: "
} catch (BindException e) {
server already up, will reuse...");
public static void stopSeleniumServer(SeleniumServer
server, DefaultSelenium selenium){
if (server != null)
= null;
catch (Exception e)
2) Create the build.xml file,
which are going to use to run the scripts from Jenkins. The xml snippet is
<path id="classpath">
<fileset dir="lib"
<target name="clean">
<delete dir="build"/>
<target name="compile"
depends= "clean">
<javac srcdir="src"
destdir="build/classes" classpathref="classpath"/>
<target name="jar" depends=
<jar destfile="build/jar/Demo.jar"
<target name="test-all-xml" depends=
<mkdir dir="reports"/>
<junit fork="yes"
type="xml" />
todir="reports/xml" fork="yes">
name="**/Scenario*.class" />
dir="reports/xml" />
3) Our script part is over, now we
will move to Jenkins part.
For demo purpose, here I have started
Jenkins server locally.
If you have direct access to the Jenkins
webpage you can make use of it.
Except the Jenkins server initiation,
remaining procedures are same.
a) Download the Jenkins war file
from the location “”
b) In order to start the Jenkins
server locally. From the command prompt, navigate to the location where you
have saved the war file and You can execute Jenkins like this:
java -jar jenkins.war
c) To access the Jenkins, open a
web browser with the URL http://localhost:8080 (by default
Jenkins start at the port 8080)
d) Click on NewJob links which is
displayed in the Left pane.
e) Provide the Job Name. For
example “JenkinDemo”
f) Select the first option “Build
a free style software project” option since we are going to map our scripts (our
local path or you can use SCM path where you have uploaded the scripts with
build.xml file) and going to execute the selenium scripts.
g) Click on Ok button
Enter the project name in the configuration
page and mention any description to
explain the purpose of this project for other team members
i) Navigate to the section
“Advanced Project Options” and select “Use custom workspace” option.
j) Mention the path of the folder
which contains the build.xml file (You can also mention the SCM folder path
k) Name the path by entering some
value in the Display Name text field
l) Navigate to Build section and
select Invoke Ant option since here we are using Build.xml file for script
m) After selection Invoke Ant
option, two text field will be displayed
n) Enter “Default” in the Ant
Version and Enter the Target name (Target Name can be found in the Build.xml
file) which you wish to run from Jenkins. For example “test-all-xml”
o) To print the Junit report in
the Jenkins, just navigate to the section “Post-build Actions” and select
“Publish JUnit test result report” option.
p) Enter the folder name and the
report xml file in the “Test report XMLs” edit field. As per our Build.xml
file, the Junit report folder will be generated in the folder where a Build.xml
file is presented and the xml files are in the folder “report”. So, the value
is “reports\TESTS-*.xml”
q) Check the checkbox “Retain long
standard output/error”, to retain the value in Jenkins.
r) Click on Apply and Save button
to save all the configuration settings.
Now we are good to execute the Selenium
scripts from Jenkins by simply clicking Build Now link from the left pane.
more details about Jenkins, please refer,